Marc O’Polo
Client: Marc O'Polo
Agency: Eyesight Fashion&Luxury Events
Art direction: Les Vandales
Technical study: Fosphor
Client: Marc O'Polo
Agence: Eyesight Fashion&Luxury Events
Direction artistique: Les Vandales
Etude technique: Fosphor
To celebrate the 50th anniversary of the brand Marc O’Polo, Eyesight Fashion & Luxury Events has entrusted Les Vandales with the enchanting mapping, including the 30meters sized catwalk, connecting with Fosphor Agency for the technical study.
The program included a colorful défilé with the exclusive kick off of the collaboration that brought together Marc O’Polo and Robbie Williams.
Pour fêter les 50 ans de la marque Marc O’Polo, Eyesight Fashion&Luxury Events a confié aux Vandales l’habillage féérique du catwalk avec Fosphor pour l’étude technique.
Au programme : un défilé haut en couleurs avec notamment le kick off exclusif de la collaboration qui a réuni Marc O’Polo et Robbie Williams.